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16. Roberto Salguero- Gómez and Joshua B. Plotkin (2010) Matrix Dimensions Bias Demographic Inferences: Implications for Comparative Plant Demography. Am. Nat. Vol. 176, pp. 710–722
17. Roberto Salguero- Gómez, Wolfgang Siewert, Brenda B. Casper and Katja Tielbo¨rger (2012) A demographic approach to study effects of climate change in desert plants. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 367, 3100–3114
18. Roberto Salguero- Gómez, Richard P. Shefferson and Michael J. Hutchings (2013) Plants do not count… or do they? New perspectives on the universality of senescence. Journal of Ecology 101: 545–554
19. Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Owen R. Jones, C. Ruth Archer, Christoph Bein, Hendrik de Buhr, Claudia Farack, Fränce Gottschalk, Alexander Hartmann, Anne Henning, Gabriel Hoppe, Gesa Römer, Tara Ruoff, Veronika Sommer, Julia Wille, Jakob Voigt, Stefan Zeh, Dirk Vieregg, Yvonne M. Buckley, Judy Che-Castaldo, David Hodgson, Alexander Scheuerlein, Hal Caswell, & James W. Vaupel (2015) COMADRE: a global database of animal demography.
20. Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Owen R. Jones, Eelke Jongejans, Simon P. Blomberg, David J. Hodgson, Cyril Mbeau-Ache, Pieter A. Zuidema, Hans de Kroon, and Yvonne M. Buckley (2016) Fast–slow continuum and reproductive strategies structure plant life-history variation worldwide. PNAS 113 (1): 230-235
21. Richard P. Shefferson and Roberto Salguero- Gómez (2015) Eco-evolutionary dynamics in plants: interactive processes at overlapping time-scales and their implications. Journal of Ecology 103: 789–797
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